Los Vados (Spanish Sun Rock)
8 October - 20 October
Los Vados is an important limestone climbing area in the Granada Deportiva in southern Spain with a good range of grades – single pitch sport climbs up to 40m long and some harder multi-pitch. UKC describes it as a stunning location. There are also other crags within reach inland towards Granada. It’s very accessible and close to the coast about an hour East of Malaga
Dates are approximate at the moment and will depend on flight times and accomodation (probably in Salobrena). Malaga is an easy location with lots of flights from Leeds so some flexibility on your timing is possible.
I now have the new guide Escalada Deportiva en Granada – available via Climb Europe – let me know if you want to take a look.
If you are new to sun rock we have lots of experience and ideas so time to get fit and up-skill if needed.
Let Me or Dan know if you are interested.
Cheers Mick