Huts Usage Updated August 2021 – Restrictions Lifted from 1 September

Precautions for the use of Gritstone Club huts after 1 September 2021

Following the Government’s relaxation of the rules in relation to Coronavirus, the Committee has decided to fully reopen the huts from 1 September.

There will no longer be any formal booking of the huts, other than as advised in the Club Rules. Please note that there is still a risk of infection and users are asked to continue to be cautious and sensible when using the huts.

The Committee cannot guarantee that the huts will be COVID-19 free. We rely on the behaviour and actions of the members and guests using the huts to keep the huts as infection-free as is reasonably possible. Users should be aware that there may be risks, albeit small, and need to assess the risks themselves before booking the hut.

The following precautions must be adhered to at all times when using the huts, until further notice:

  • The person booking the hut will be responsible for keeping a record of the people staying at the hut. The record must be kept for at least 3 weeks.

  • If you consider that you might be infected before your trip, advise the Hut Warden and do not continue with your booking unless you obtain a negative COVID-19 test result.

  • If you develop symptoms whilst staying at the hut, return home, advise the Hut Warden and update him once you receive your COVID-19 test result.

  • If you develop symptoms within 48 hours of vacating the hut, advise the Hut Warden and update him when you receive your COVID-19 test result.

  • Take your own tea-towels, towels, bedding/sleeping bags and a sheet to cover the mattress.

  • Thoroughly ventilate the building immediately on arrival and for one hour prior to departure. This means opening all windows and doors and leaving the front door open.

  • On arrival and definitely prior to departure, sanitise all surfaces in kitchen and bathrooms, wipe down tables and benches, handrails, door furniture and light switches. Sanitiser and cloths will be available.

  • Wash all pans, crockery and utensils before use.

  • Maintain good ventilation throughout your stay. Consider leaving the bathroom and kitchen extractor fans running (Smithy) and having windows open whenever you are in the hut. The stove also increases ventilation by drawing air from the room.

Please act responsibly, and bear in mind that other people will be using the hut after you.

Background information on the transmission of COVID-19 as of 6 April 2021

  • COVID-19 is spread in respiratory droplets and aerosols that are released by an infected person when they exhale, speak, sing, cough or sneeze. The smaller particles that are exhaled are small enough to stay airborne for hours. Inhalation of these particles is thought to be the main way that the COVID-19 virus is spread.

  • Respiratory droplets can also land on surfaces and objects. It is possible that a person could get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or eyes. Spread from touching surfaces is not now thought to be the most common way that COVID-19 spreads.

  • The greater the concentration of these respiratory particles in air and the longer that people occupy/share a space, the higher the risk of transmission. For hut users, in common with any other indoor shared space, it is important that we maintain a good degree of ventilation. This reduces the airborne concentration by dilution and greatly reduces the risk. Minimising time sharing space indoors, in vehicles, etc also reduces the risk.

Contact the Hut Wardens on the following numbers:

Smithy Ribblehead

Richard Topliss: 07803 721424 John Anderson: 07835 026073

Helen Topliss: 07834 461853 01274 673942

Topliss home phone: 01625 262774


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