Life returning to normal after Lock-down – Meets and Huts

Following the release of recent government guidance, the committee has decided that
meets will soon be able to start again and huts will be able to reopen in a limited way,
subject to the Government confirming the dates as lock-down easing measures progress.
See attached advice from BMC. See Precautions for the use of Gritstone Club huts commencing 12 April 2021, which are on Sync. The Calendar is being kept up to date with bookings.

From 29 March, meets can be held provided that there are no more than 6 people
attending. Tuesday day walks and Wednesday evening walks will be organised shortly –
see emails and website. No overnight stays are permitted so meets need to be relatively
local to attendees.

From 12 April the huts will re-open in a very limited way. Bookings will be restricted to a
single household, but there will be no restrictions on the days when the huts are available.
Users will be expected to wipe down all surfaces and to fully ventilate the huts on arrival
and departure. Please contact Pete Barrans to make a booking. Climbing walls are also
expected to reopen from this date. Dan Ambler and Mick Green will be organising climbing
meets in due course. Keep an eye out for emails, announcements on the website and

From 17 May larger groups can meet outdoors (up to 30 people). The hut restrictions are
eased to allow 2 households, or a maximum of 6 people from any household, to use the
huts. Again, users will be expected to wipe down all surfaces and to fully ventilate the huts
on arrival and departure. Please contact Pete Barrans to make a booking.
From 21 June all restrictions are lifted – party time!

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