Prospective/member TRAD climbing experience – weekend 26th, 27th May in the Lake District

The Gritstone Club is running a TRAD EXPERIENCE WEEKEND for existing and aspirant members from the Friday evening to the Sunday evening of the 27th May in our Lake District Hut, ‘The Smithy’. It is located at the northern end of Thirlmere in a central location giving easy access to local crags, Borrowdale, Langdale and other areas.

This meet is open to aspirant and existing club members. If you are not a already an aspirant member then contact our membership secretary who will make the necessary arrangements.

Contact Membership Secretary

In order to make the best use of such a weekend its good to have a set of skills that are realistically attainable from your local indoor lead wall. Its not a beginners weekend so the basic skills of tying into the rope, belaying and leading indoors, plus the normal safety tactics that your will have learned at your local wall will form a basic skill set for this weekend.

The cost of the whole weekend including accomodation, main meals is £40.

Over the next couple of months we will be adding new articles to the ‘Destinations ‘ section of this website so that you can get to know more about the area and to develop and idea of what routes you wold like to do.

The numbers are limited so we will select those that are going to gain most from the experience. If the demand is high we are likely too run another event so keep connected.

Some practical points

  1. A sleeping bag will be required.
  2. Bring all the usual personal gear
  3. Breakfast and evening meals are included
  4. Bring your own lunch food
  5. Bring your own walking gear, climbing shoes, harness, belay equipment and helmet. Trad climbing gear ,nuts, friends etc will be provided  by your climbing partner
  6. Either use your own transport or a lift can be arranged – petrol share is normal.
All we need then is some good weather – late spring is often a good choice. If you want to come please contact the meet organiser via the link below and provide some details of your experience and what interests you about the weekend.

TRAD EXPERIENCE WEEKEND 26th / 27th MAY – meet organiser

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